Cuyamaca College Participatory Governance


Cuyamaca College has a robust participatory governance culture that includes representation from all major college consituencies -- faculty, students, classified staff, and students.


In 2017, the College developed guiding principles for its governance redesign and governance efforts, including the following:

  • Transparency
  • Efficiency
  • Representation
  • Accountability
  • Evaluation for Improvement
  • Alignment
  • Clarification of Roles

In order to assist committee/council co-chairs in setting goals and evaluating progress, the Institutional Effectiveness Council developed the a goal-setting form that co-chairs can use to faciltiating the annual goal-setting and evaluation process. If you co-chair a committee/council, please download the form and complete it during the first meeting of the semester, then send the completed form to College Council via Valeri Wilson.