HUMANITIES 120 Orientation Page



This Orientation will introduce you to course content and expectations. You'll also get everything set up and ready to go for the class. Your first practice quiz will include questions about the syllabus and your textbooks. While you work through this orientation, jot down any questions you have and post them to our course WebCT discussion forum.


What to do for this assignment


1] Browse and bookmark the


Course Web Site


(add to your IE favorites).


2] Complete the Student Information Form


3 ] Carefully read the course syllabus and skim the schedule and assignment pages.


4] Read:  How to be an on-line student. Make sure you can answer these questions they are going to be on the quiz:


How much time should I schedule for this class? 
What software do I need (including version numbers)? 
What textbooks do I need? 
How will I be graded? 
How often will I need to check WebCT? 
Where do I find assignment instructions and due dates?


5] Disable any software that prevents pop-up windows. WebCT uses pop-up windows for login and quizzes.


6]If you can't log in or you don't see this class listed on the opening screen, contact me as soon as possible!


7] Explore all the sections on the WebCT class home page and do these activities:


Go to the Hum 120 on-line website and click on assignments and read through them. The assignments page explains the activities you must do and how many points they are worth.


Then click on the schedule - it shows you which assignments are due and when each week.


For your orientation assignment, you will practice your normal weekly routine.


a] Read the Sample Journal [this will give you the directions on how to write a journal and provide an example]


b] Reading #0 : Read Myth of Demeter and Persephone


c] Write journal #0 in wordprocessing software [write the journal on reading #0 above] and upload to WebCT [ log into WebCT and click on upload assignments - follow the directions *NOTE - make sure you don't have a symbol like #@$% in the title of your journal because WebCT will not accept it]


d] View Lecture #0 [lectures help you to answer reading questions]


e] Respond to the Reading Questions under Discussion Q's and R's on WebCT - specific directions below


Go to the Discussions area in WebCT and click on Discussion Q's and R's and find the correct Reading Questions message [for the orientation, look for Orientation Questions ] - Inside the message you will find the questions for Alpha, Beta, or Delta - choose the question for the one you are. Copy your questions into your word processor program and answer them.


Once answered, copy the questions and answers and paste them in webct under Discussion Q's and R's [to do this, log into Web CT and click on discussion again and go to discussion Q's and R's and click there. Choose the correct questions number - for the orientation choose Orientation Questions. Click that and reply - paste your answers here and send. [PLEASE do not attach your reply as some students cannot open the attachments!]


f] Respond to your groupmates' answers on WebCT [Wait until your group mates have time to answer their questions. Log into WebCT -Click on Discussion, click on Discussion Q's and R's, and choose the correct questions number to look at what they wrote and respond by saying what you like, don't like, agree with, disagree with, or give help when someone needs it. YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT IF YOU JUST SAY 'GOOD JOB' - the goal is to talk about the pieces with your group to increase everyone's understanding.


g] Introduce yourself to your groupmates [Log into WebCT -Click on Discussion, and click on Discussion Q's and R's and reply to the introductions message. Tell your group mates who you are, why you are here, what your level of experience is with computers and literature - add anything else you'd like them to know]

h] take the orientation quiz #0


9] If you have any special needs or concerns, please send me an e-mail


, call me (660-4241), or stop by my office B355 during office hours. 

In particular, please inform me of physical or learning disabilities so that I can tailor instruction and communication to help you succeed.