In an effort to use the resources that are available at Cuyamaca College in the most efficient way possible, the College's new governance structure and integrated planning process designates specific committees and task forces to make recommendations for the prioritization of resource requests arising through the program review process. Requests for resources are submitted via forms embedded or uploaded through the online program review module and are sent to the appropriate groups for prioritization based on established rubrics, which are provided under the buttons below.
The groups charged with developing prioritized lists of resource requests are as follows:
Prioritized lists of resource requests are sent to the Resource and Operations Council, which forwards prioritized lists to the Cuyamaca College Council. Each committee is tasked to review yearly requests and rank these requests based off the established rubric criteria and the needs of the college as a whole in order to achieve the College's strategic priorities:
The resource request forms, prioritization rubrics, meeting times, and information on each resource prioritization group can be found below by simply clicking the specific buttons below.
Each year, the Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity Office conducts an
Integrated Planning Survey to assess perceptions of the process and gather suggestions
for improvement. The results of the survey are used to inform improvements to the
process in the subsequent year.
2018 Integrated Planning Survey Results
Staffing requests are reviewed and prioritized based on established rubric criteria (see request forms and rubrics below) by the Staffing Prioritization Task Force (task force intranet page). The Task Force reviews requests in combination with program review documents and is also informed by critical needs expressed dean and managers during the review process (see rubric criteria). The Staffing Prioritization Task Force ultimately recommends the prioritized list of faculty and classified position requests, after vetting with the appropriate senate, to Cuyamaca College Council through the Resource and Operations Council.
2018-19 Faculty Position Request Form
2018-19 Faculty Position Request Rubric
2018-19 Classified Position Request Form
2018-19 Classified Position Request Rubric
Approved Faculty Position Requests with Rationale:
All technology requests are forwarded to the College Technology Committee (CTC). CTC reports to CCC and provides a forum for the discussion of current and merging technology issues, trends, innovations, changes and needs related to campus technology. This committee reviews and ranks technology requests submitted through the program review process and based on these rankings, produces a report outlining the recommended college technology priorities for the following year.
2018-19 On-Cycle Technology Request (Submitted through Program Review)
2018-19 Off Cycle Technology Request Online Submission Form (Submitted outside of Program Review)
2018-19 Off-Cycle Technology Request PDF (for response planning purposes)
Meeting Times: Second Friday of every month at 1:30-3:00pm
All facilities request are forwarded to the College Facilities Planning Committee (FPC). FPC reports to CCC and serves as a liaison to the District Facilities Planning Office. Each fall semester the FPC will review and rank facilities requests submitted to the Program Review and Planning Committees and, based on these rankings, produce a report outlining the recommended college facilities priorities for the following year.
Facilities Request Form (in PDF for planning purposes): Note all requests must be submitted online through the link in the program review module)
Meeting Times: First and Third Tuesdays at 2-2:30pm.
To submit a technology request:
linked inside the Program Review SurveyMonkey template