
Julie Godfrey
Department Coordinator
Phone: (619) 743-6033



Internships and Jobs

For information on internships and jobs, contact David Ivester, Department Coordinator, or EHSM faculty.


Student Comments

“It's a great honor to be associated with the EHSM (Environmental Health and Safety Management) program at Cuyamaca College. All the instructors, IPN (Industry Panel Night), and the participation in Balboa Earth Fair, Fire Expos and Fire Relief have helped motivate me toward a career in EHS. Throughout this process I gleaned an AS Degree, new friends and great professional acquaintances. I look forward to continuing our association, simultaneously working on my upper division.”

Bobby Cariño, 
Cuyamaca College - Associated Student Government President


Related Resources

Apply and Enroll

College Catalog

Class Schedule


EHSM Brochure