
Marie Ramos
Department Chair
Phone: 619-660-4255


Fine Art and Graphic Design Faculty Art Shows and Exhibitions

Fall 2017 - Faculty Art Show and Exhibition

November 1 - December 1, 2017 - Monday-Thursday 9-5
Communication Arts Building - B  3rd Floor - East Wing


C. Lewallen Art Show - "Two-Faced Truth"

Rank N' File: John Daniel Abel

Oceanside Museum of Art
April - August 2013


"Food as Medium for Craft"

Craft In America Study Center
April 2014


Anne Wolfe Metalsmith

Anneville Studio

Art Program SLO




Canvas Self-Service Support Programs
link to Canvas link to Self-Service link to Support Services
Financial Aid Counseling Apply/Enroll
link to financial aid Talk to a counselor Apply and enroll