Getting Started with Online Classes

Welcome to the EHSM department and online classes. As you prepare for your semester, please see the information below to help you access and successfully complete your courses.  If you are unsure which classes to sign up for, contact the counseling department on campus or the Program Coordinator for the EHSM department.

Getting Enrolled

Step 1:


To get into a course in the EHSM department, you will need to apply to be a student at Cuyamaca College.  To begin this step go to the following link and follow the instructions.  It may take up to 24 hours to allow your application to be approved.  

Apply to College Here


Step 2:  To sign up for a class, you will need to log into WebAdvisor.  Once in Webadvisor perform a search for your classes using the semester which you want to enroll, selecting Cuyamaca College and the selecting the "Environmental Health/Safety" subject.  This should provide you with all the courses for the semester in the department.  Select the courses you need and the section.  

Go to Webadvisor Now


Step 3:


After you sign up for your classes, it should take 24 hours to see them in Canvas.  Log into Canvas and go to the course.  On the Canvas web page for Cuyamaca College, you will find help links to get you started.  It is recommended that you use the help section to better understand the functions in Canvas.  

Go to Canvas Now


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I add or "crash" an online class after the last day of registration? 
    • Students need to contact the instructor shown on Webadvisor, directly, to be added to an online class.  Instructor emails are found on the department home page or you can use the




      to locate their information.  Please note that students are not allowed to add a course after the last day to drop for the semester so give yourself at least 24 hours before the last day to drop to successfully get added.  Additionally, if you are not signed up for a course, it is the instructor's choice to approve your add.  If the class is too far along, the instructor may not allow you to add.  
  • Where do I find which books I need for my class? 
    • If the instructor requires a book for the course, you may find this information by going to the


      Cuyamaca College Bookstore link


      and searching your courses. You may also log into the course on Canvas and look in the syllabus for the book. If the information is pending at the bookstore and your course is not open on Canvas, I encourage you to email the instructor.  
  • Where do I access my course to see content, grades, assignments, and other information?
    • The courses are provided through Canvas, our online learning management system.  To access Canvas you can go to the Cuyamaca College home page and select the Canvas icon at the top right of the screen.  You will need to log into Canvas to see your courses, under "Courses" on the left side of the screen.  If you are using the Canvas App, please refer to the


      Canvas Mobile Guide for information to navigate the App.  
  • I am logged into Canvas but I still can't see my courses.  What do I do now?
    • Instructors are still working on courses prior to the semester starting and may not publish the course until the first day.  If you need information about the course prior to the first day of class,


      please email your instructor with questions.  If the first day of class has started and you are still unable to see the course,


      please email the instructor.  If there is no response from your instructor, contact the


      Student Help Desk.  
  • My question isn't on here, who do I contact? 
    • If you still have questions about your class, contact the instructor listed on Webadvisor. 
    • If you have a question about your major, or are unsure who to contact, please contact the Program Coordinator. 
    • If you have questions about using WebAdvisor or Canvas, contact the Cuyamaca College Help Desk. 
    • If you have questions about enrolling in classes, general education requirements, graduation requirements, prerequisites, or transferring, contact the admissions office or counseling. 
    • If you have questions about financial aid, please contact the financial aid office. 
    • If you are a veteran, please contact the campus veteran's office.