Once a student has submitted an admission application to the college and has participated in the assessment and orientation process, the next step is to officially register (enroll) in specific classes through Self-Service.
Video Tutorial: How to Plan & Register for Classes
Length: 5:31 …Register for classes today!
Spring 2023: Registration begins November 14, 2022 for students with priority registration dates. Open registration begins November 14, 2022.
Summer and Fall 2023: Registration begins May 1, 2023 for students with priority registration dates. Open
registration TBD.
View the class schedule online via Self-Service to find the right classes for you.
Search for open classes on Self-Service. The Open Sections page has the latest list of all classes where seats are still available.
Do not wait until the first day of the semester to get into a class that is full. Put yourself of the waitlist via Self-Service and be first in line to fill a vacated spot.
Students on the waitlist will be notified if vacancies occur and they are registered into the class, and will receive an email. Make sure we have your correct email address on file with the college.
Some things to remember when waitlisting a class:
To add classes at Cuyamaca, you must obtain an add authorization from the instructor.
Admissions and Records does not provide add authorizations.
Searching for a professor by name
Searching for a professor by department
Withdrawal from a class shall be authorized through 75% of the semester. Students may drop classes through Self-Service. It is a student’s responsibility to officially drop a class.
Failure to withdraw/drop a class by the dates posted in the class schedule or webpage will result in a failing (F) grade.